ETG Agro India, with its flagship enterprise ETC Agro Processing India Pvt. Ltd., is one of the largest processors and marketers in the global pulse processing industry. It has recently commissioned the state-of-the-art Nuts – Almonds processing plant with over 100 strong women workforce at Kheda, Gujarat. Nuts are marketed under the brand – ETG AGRO NATURZ – PRO NUTS in bulk and consumer pack formats.
Almonds are power packed with healthy nutrients that can nourish the body. A handful of nuts (or maybe just almonds) is what most nutritionists recommend having daily to sustain and nurture overall health and wellbeing. Almonds are known to promote growth as they are rich in proteins and vital nutrients. They are also a great option for snacks in case one is following a healthy diet.
The popularity of almonds outnumbers all other nuts because it has an outstanding nutrient portfolio. The global dominance of almonds is impressive and just secondary to peanuts because of the availability and price factor. Still with all the other nuts around, ‘Almonds’ holds its ground, withstanding the test of time. In 2018, the global consumption of almonds was 11.9 million metric tons competing with peanuts, amounting to approximately 42.6 million metric tons.
Talking in terms of domestic consumption of almonds, it has seen a steady increase from 1.31 million metric tons worldwide (2018/19) to 1.34 million metric tons worldwide (2019/20). The present public health situation has only made people sit up and understand more about their pre-existing health milieu and be more aware and conscious about nutrition and wellbeing.
15gms of almonds a day would suffice your requirement of nuts & seeds.
Let us see the nutrition quotient of these amazing nuts:
- 15gms of Almonds – Contains*
- 2.8gms Protein
- 2gms Dietary Fibre
- 104.85mg of Potassium
- 66.9mg of Phosphorus
- 46mg of Magnesium
- 34.2mg of Calcium
- 5.5g of Folate
- 3.87mg of Vitamin E
- 1.69g Total Carotenoids
- 1.26g of Vitamin K1
- 0.54g of Selenium
- 0.52mg of Zinc
(*Nutrition Values derived from IFCT 2017)
Nutritional health benefits of Almonds are:
- Almonds are good for cardiac health as they are known to reduce cholesterol.
- They are a superfood for a healthy skin because of the copious amounts of vitamin E.
- Almonds are excellent for brain health as they have healthy fats and omega 3 for boosting memory.
- They are bone-building food as they are rich in phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, and vitamin K1.
- Almonds help in maintaining gut health as they are a good source of prebiotic fibre.
- Almonds are recommended for eye health as they contain vitamin E, omega 3, and carotenoids to prevent age-related macular degeneration, as well as cataracts.
- Almonds support a healthy reproductive system and can boost fertility because of the generous amount of vitamin E in them.
- They are also known to protect cells from oxidative damage since they have massive amounts of vitamin E.
- They are alkalising in nature and known to maintain a healthy pH balance to balance the body’s acidity.
- They even control your blood sugar levels since they have a massive amount of magnesium.
- Almonds help create a sense of satiety and reduces hunger pangs as they are low in carbohydrates and high in protein & fibre.
- Power packed in small size, almonds are a vital source of nutrients like proteins, vitamins, and minerals and hence known to boost immunity.
- Almonds are also one of the best options for vegan protein. Almonds contribute to vegan milk, curd, butter, and cheese alternatives for vegans.
Founded in 1967, ETG world has developed a diverse portfolio of expertise across multiple industries, encompassing Agricultural inputs, logistics, merchandising and processing, supply chain optimization, digital transformation, and energy.
Authored by - Dietitian Kamna Desai